Event Calendar
December 2024
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Wed, Dec 11, 2024
Game Day Info

No Event(s) Scheduled For Selected Date

View Full Schedule & Results

Largest Margin of Defeat (25 Points or More)
1960-1961 vs. Phillips 66L 49-107 (58)
1917-1918 at Wis.-Stevens PointL 6-62 (56)
1/19/2011 at Wis.-Stevens PointL 37-92 (55)
1917-1918 at Wis.-River FallsL 7-62 (55)
1963-1964 vs. Wis.-MilwaukeeL 48-94 (46)
1965-1966 vs. Wis.-OshkoshL 69-113 (44)
11/3/2013 at Southwest Minn. State (Exhibition)L 53-96 (43)
2/21/2006 at Wis.-WhitewaterL 47-88 (41)
1961-1962 vs. Wis.-SuperiorL 63-103 (40)
2/16/1917 at Wis.-River FallsL 8-48 (40)
1/11/2014 at Wis.-WhitewaterL 51-90 (39)
11/7/2007 at Wis.-Madison (Exhibition)L 35-74 (39)
1917-1918Wis.-Stevens PointL 3-42 (39)
11/5/2015 at Winona State (Minn.)L 43-81 (38)
1967-1968 vs. Wis.-PlattevilleL 54-92 (38)
1/26/1917 at Wis.-Stevens PointL 18-56 (38)
11/30/2005Wis.-StoutL 35-72 (37)
1962-1963 vs. St. Cloud State (Minn.)L 75-112 (37)
1966-1967 vs. Lakeland College (Wis.)L 89-125 (36)
1962-1963 vs. Wis.-Stevens PointL 56-92 (36)
1948-1949 vs. Illinois WesleyanL 51-87 (36)
2/16/2013 at Wis.-Stevens PointL 34-68 (34)
2/20/2007 at Wis.-Stevens PointL 55-89 (34)
1/10/2007Wis.-Stevens PointL 43-77 (34)
1963-1964 vs. Loras College (Iowa)L 58-92 (34)
1/29/1932 at Wis.-La CrosseL 16-50 (34)
1946-1947 vs. Wis.-StoutL 44-77 (33)
1944-1945 vs. Hamline University (Minn.)L 43-76 (33)
1/22/2014 at Wis.-OshkoshL 32-64 (32)
1943-1944 vs. Hamline University (Minn.)L 23-55 (32)
1/5/1934Wis.-SuperiorL 27-59 (32)
12/7/1926 at Carleton College (Minn.)L 19-51 (32)
11/9/2008 at Wis.-Green Bay (Exhibition)L 61-92 (31)
2/24/1933 at Wis.-River FallsL 23-54 (31)
1917-1918Wis.-River FallsL 14-45 (31)
1963-1964 vs. Lakeland College (Wis.)L 76-106 (30)
12/12/2015 at St. Norbert (Wis.)L 60-89 (29)
12/10/2008 at Wis.-PlattevilleL 54-83 (29)
1/31/2007 at Wis.-Stevens PointL 61-90 (29)
2/5/1997 at Wis.-OshkoshL 53-82 (29)
1962-1963 vs. Hamline University (Minn.)L 59-88 (29)
1961-1962 vs. Wis.-La CrosseL 56-85 (29)
1959-1960 vs. Hamline University (Minn.)L 42-71 (29)
1/10/1925 at Winona State (Minn.)L 12-41 (29)
2/2/1919 at Wis.-Stevens PointL 9-38 (29)
1/10/1919 at Wis.-StoutL 4-33 (29)
12/2/2009 at Wis.-OshkoshL 57-85 (28)
2/5/2005 at Wis.-Stevens PointL 55-83 (28)
1965-1966 vs. Wis.-Stevens PointL 78-106 (28)
1964-1965 vs. Wis.-StoutL 63-91 (28)
1963-1964 vs. Wis.-SuperiorL 81-109 (28)
1956-1957 vs. Wis.-PlattevilleL 76-104 (28)
1949-1950 vs. Wis.-River FallsL 82-110 (28)
1945-1946 vs. Ft. Sheridan (Ark.)L 57-85 (28)
1966-1967Wis.-La CrosseL 72-99 (27)
1940-1941 vs. Wis.-SuperiorL 28-55 (27)
2/20/1917Wis.-River FallsL 6-33 (27)
2/19/2014 at Wis.-PlattevilleL 34-60 (26)
1965-1966 vs. Bethel Univ. (Minn.)L 84-110 (26)
2/22/2014Wis.-WhitewaterL 57-82 (25)
1/26/2011 at Wis.-OshkoshL 58-83 (25)
1/6/2007 at Wis.-OshkoshL 55-80 (25)
2/16/2002Wis.-OshkoshL 59-84 (25)
2/10/1996 at Wis.-PlattevilleL 57-82 (25)
1/31/1973 at Wis.-StoutL 59-84 (25)
1950-1951 vs. Wis.-La CrosseL 54-79 (25)
1941-1942 vs. Northern MichiganL 33-58 (25)
1941-1942 vs. Wis.-SuperiorL 36-61 (25)
1941-1942 vs. Northern MichiganL 33-58 (25)
1/8/1931Wis.-River FallsL 18-43 (25)

Overall Wins: 0        Overall Losses: 67        Overall Ties: 0

Total Contests: 67

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Athletics • McPhee 208 • Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004

Phone: (715) 836-3062
Questions/Comments: UW-Eau Claire Sports Information